Welcome to Big Wheels Drive
10.00 AM - 08.00 PM | Tuesday Closed
(+91) 885-137-4499

Car Washing

We offer an extensive range of car wash and cleaning services. Our car grooming packages include a complete range of services right from basic car washing to detailed interior and upholstery cleaning, protective coating, vacuuming and dashboard polishing.
Our workshops make use of high quality cleaning products and best equipments including the latest in technology. The system by Labocosmetica was designed to help detailers and car wash owners during one of the key steps in car care, whether the car is protected or not, namely washing. While washing a car, thorough cleaning is essential.
However, in order to remove the dirt and contaminants that have built up on the bodywork, it is often necessary to use a product

• Interior and Upholstery Cleaning
• Cleaning, disinfection from germs and fresh interiors
• Wax Polish
• Most economical polish treatment and shine the car instantly
• Paint Restoration Polish
• High gloss and finishing, aesthetic value of car is improved
• Service Plus
• Combination of products to enhance vehicle maintenance


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